Friday, November 19, 2004

How Three Red Baloons And A Red Stroller Changed My Life

A Runaway Stroller and Three Red Baloons

Note: I did this my freshman year of high school and thought it was a horrible assignment...

On fall evening when my mother and father were strolling through the busy streets of the pik street market in seattle, a tramendussly event occured in my life. What was this event that effected the very course of my destiny? Well, let me explain. AT first glance it would appear to me trivial, almost totaly minisqual in fact but you will soon lean how a a runnaway stroller, three red baoons and a small toy plane changed the course of my life forever. As I was saying before, it was quite a pleasent day on a quite ordinary street when it happened. When I say ordinary, I mean ordinary in every way excluding the fact that it was my third birthday. My parents had decided to take me to the park which was my favorite place in the world. There was no where I would rather have been then in the cool grass watching the people walking by or near the small stream which flower through our local park throughing bred crums at the resident geese and puching around small toys over the ground. When we had done with the park, we praceeded to the pik street market which was a very busy and active place and had even more strange characters roming around then in most places in seattle. My mother was looking for s special typ of bread, the kind that looks like a braid and is used on special jewish holidays, when a man walked by. This man facinated me, no because of his extra ordinary high or the purble spiked hair which covered his head but because of the three big bright and red baloons which boobed obove his head. "Baloons for sale, baloons only $1.00 a pleice!" he cried out loudly as he walked by. I was thrilled. "What could these big red balls possibly be?" I wondered and leaned towand them in an attepmt to touch one when suddenly, it happend. Werrr, werrr went the wheels on my stroller as it took off down the slanted sidewalk. I was thrilled and payed no attention to the shriek from my mother or the yells from behind me. After all, I was headed straight for thoughs big bright baloons that I had wanted so much. Of course it could not last. About 3 minuts after my strolller decided to go on a stroll of its own, a fast jerk sent me flying and needless to say, desending with a awful "thud" face first on the pavment. When I could breath again, I inhaled to the full copacity of my lungs and let out the loudest, most ear splitting scream I could managed and did not stop for almost half an hour. My mother scupped me up and rushed me to the doctors which luckily was only a few blocks away. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, we went into the doctors office and I soon forgot about my bruised nose when seeing all the pictures on the walls and the small basket of toys in the corner. After giving me some antiseptic cream and a " My Doctors Great" sticker, my mother and I were sent us on our marry way. On the way out of the doctors office, my mother bumped into a plump lady with a byellow summer dress on that had bright red flowers printed all over it. The moment I saw the red flowers I burst into tears andthrue myself down on the floor. When I looked up the lady with the flower dress was smilling down at me and I forgot my troubles alltoghether. My mother apologized and began to pull me behind her back to our car when the lady came up beside us. " Have I seen you before?" she inquired of my mother. After some thought, the two realize that they attended the same dall making class together and began to talk enthusiastically. This resulted in my mother inviting the lady , whos name turned out to be Rose, to dinner. Ever since then Rose has been as much a part of our family as me. Through two moves and several fail crises, Rose somehow managed t o stay in touch. Five years after the incident of the runnaway stroller, Rose and I decided to go to the circus one sunny weekend. As Rose did not want to go on many of the rides, and I wwas not yet tall enough, we decided to play some of the games and try to win something. I tried and tried but never succeedded in winning anything but a small bouncy ball and a small picture of the backstreet boys. I was devistated and began to cry. As we started out the gate toward how, we noticed one more game stand which had many small toys that you could win if only you got two balls in a fishbowl. I tried once, swice, three times, and...I won! The shop keeper handed me a small airplane with blue wings and painted fire on the tips. I was thrilled and treasured that plane more then any other toy. Soon after I won the plane we had show and tell day at our school and , of course, I took the plane. All the other kids wanted to play with it but I wouldnt so much as let them touch it. Just as I was about to put it away, another girl came over to me and told me to look inside her bag. I looked causiously and same another plan! Although this one ws purple and slightly smaller then mine, they were almost identical. She asked if I would like to come and play with her and bring my plane. The next week I went to her house and we became close friends. Over the next few years we did everything together and always played together at reses. I also became familier with her father who, as fait has it, was a pilot. I became facinated with anything and everything to do with flying. Soon My mother and I moved because of a job offer in central oregon. We came to sisters in 2001 and have been here ever since. When I learned there was to be an aviation class, I was thrilled and enrolled immediatly. In the aviation class was inspired greatly and am now considering a carreer in the Air force. That is why, because of a runaway stroller and three red baloons, I want to be in the airforce today.


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